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Celebrating and Championing
Young Children's Learning

Chichester Nursery School

Chichester Nursery School was established in the 1940s to meet the childcare needs of women involved in the war effort and has been supporting the learning and development of local children ever since.

Like most Nursery Schools it has evolved, changed and moved premises over the years and is now situated in the East Ward of Chichester, one of 3 areas of deprivation within the city.

One thing has remained the same though, and that is the passionate commitment of staff in giving young children the best possible start to their education. The Nursery School offers 156 places for 3-4 year olds and an additional 30 places for children from 6 months to 3 years. Qualified teachers lead the learning and each has a particular area of curriculum expertise.

The Nursery School is a free-flow environment and an exponent of “In the Moment” planning, empowering children to make their own choices about how and where they learn, supported by experienced adults who develop and extend their learning.

The Nursery School enjoys close links with the University of Chichester - staff regularly lecture on Early Years and Teacher Training courses and the school has hosted a number of research placements for PhD students.